You've heard a rumour that a portrait photograph of the influential music composer, Beethoven at the local museum has undergone a bizarre change recently, what do you think happened to Beethoven's photograph?
A. Beethoven's face has aged dramatically.
B. Beethoven's lips arches up indicating he's smiling.
C. Beethoven looks like he is shocked like a deer in the headlight.
D. Beethoven doing the 'duck face'.
If you chose
A. You think the purpose of working and earning money is to reward yourself with a better quality of living. Therefore, you spend most of your income on materialistic things and you won't settle for anything but the best. That may be why you haven't saved money the way you wanted to.
B. You don't really think about saving money, you focus on earning more money. You're always investing on new things to earn money from. Therefore, your money is always being traded. You should limit yourself to a certain percentage of your income to spend or invest and a certain amount to save every month.
C. You are the Mr/Ms. Nice that lends money to all your friends and family in need. You can't resist when people ask you for help. But these people are stopping you from earning your first million dollars. You can try helping them in other ways such as recommend them to jobs.
D. You value education and is constantly building up your knowledge. You spend most of your earning on investing yourself. To higher education, learn new skills, a new language, talents, and travelling which may be worth it after all but saving money is also important for your future in the long run!
The reference to Mozart threw me -- perhaps a typo -- but I liked the outcome. I think that something like this should replace the daily horoscope in newspapers. Rather than having a future imposed on you, you could choose your own adventure. On that note, I'd like to see the I-Ching in the newspaper.